Just wanted to say thank you for such a good job with the engagement ring by ordering something else.
You guys are awesome. My fiancé has had so many compliments on her ring. Thanks again.
James Corey II
First comes love, then comes marriage. We have all heard this schoolyard rhyme at one time or another, but what happens if your man stalls at love and never proceeds to the marriage part? This is a dilemma that many women face and we have some advice for you on how to get a man to propose!
It seems that sometimes men "just don't get it". The relationship is fantastic. You are getting along, having fun and enjoying each other's company, why rock the boat? Deeper commitment, lasting love and the thought of a lifetime together is something most men just don't think about and when they do, it scares them to death!
In the book "Why Men Marry Some Women and Not Others," by John Molloy, the author states that the only way to get a man to propose is to bring the subject up with him. Timing is crucial in that the optimal time for talking about marriage is 12 to 24 months into a relationship. You must not beat around the bush or drop subtle hints because that usually doesn't work. A straight forward approach is what is recommended.
Don't be put off if your man doesn't respond positively to your suggestion at first. He may need time to think about the prospect for awhile, after all, this is probably the FIRST time he has actually thought about it!
If after a certain amount of time it becomes apparent that he is NEVER going to commit, it is probably time to move on. Although, this is not the outcome most women want, some men need to experience life without that special someone in order to realize marriage may be a good option. So really there isn't a magic answer on how to get a man to propose, it takes communication and honesty.